Posted on 12/3/2018

If you have glasses, you know how difficult it can be to see when you get them smudged. People wearing contacts may have some experience if they get something on their lenses. Your car can suffer a similar vision problem. Whenever you’ve driven in the darkness, perhaps you have found yourself flipping off your headlights quickly and then flipping them back on – because you suddenly weren't entirely sure your lights were even on. Even if they were on, they may seem awfully dim. If that has ever happened to you, your car may be a good candidate for headlight restoration. What is headlight restoration? Think of it as cleaning your glasses with spray and wipes. Every once in awhile, your car’s “glasses” could use some cleaning – which takes more than using some spray and wipes. If you come into Alta Mere, our technicians and their tools can clean and repair your headlights and restore them to its ... read more