Posted on 5/23/2017

The writing is on the wall: If your city or county hasn’t banned the use of cellular devices while driving yet, they will soon. Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents, especially among teens and young adults. While these measures are welcome changes to road regulations, we understand it can be hard to comply when you receive an urgent text or phone call. But you don’t have to buy a new car to comply with the laws and ordinances of your city and stay connected. You can outfit your car with one or more hands-free devices available at your local Alta Mere. Bluetooth Cell System To stay connected hands-free, you can always set up a Bluetooth cell system that connects to your phone. These can be voice-controlled or placed on your steering wheel for quick and easy access to your cell’s functions without the distraction of picking up your p ... read more
Posted on 5/5/2017

With new technology comes new vehicle safety measures, and we’re really liking this one. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is requiring all new light vehicles — that’s cars, SUVs, trucks and vans to the layman — to be equipped with rear backup cameras starting May 1, 2018. Safety First This is exciting news for parents and anyone else who cares about children’s safety, as rear backup cameras have been shown to significantly reduce the rate of tragic backup accidents, especially involving children who may not be tall enough to be visible in rearview mirrors alone. In fact, this new law is expected to save anywhere from 50 to 70 lives per year, most of them children and seniors. The NHTSA reports that each year there are ... read more