Posted on 7/20/2017

Summer brings constant threats to your vehicle’s clean exterior and interior. The heat isn’t the only thing that seeks to destroy the upkeep you perform on your vehicle — UV rays, insects and other hazards unique to summer are all conspiring to damage your car’s finish. To fight off all these harmful elements, you’ll need a special set of tools and tasks. Keep your paint job sparkling and your upholstery dust- and stain-free through the challenges of summer conditions with these tips. Tip 1: Wash Your Car Frequently Dirt, pollen and other environmental contamination begins to swirl more densely during the summer. There’s evidence that smog becomes more persistent and prevalent during the warmer months. Additionally, tree sap that lands on your car from growing trees could harden and adhere to your car’s exterior. This could completely ruin your paint job in the affected areas. Y ... read more
Posted on 6/9/2017

In the heat of summer, we’re sure you remembered basic vehicle maintenance tips for helping your car deal with sunlight and increasing temperatures. The rising mercury level in your thermometer isn’t the only thing that makes summer so hard on your vehicle. Summer weather brings extreme temperatures and heavy thunderstorms, which can lead to unique hazards. Here’s a list of things you might have forgotten in preparing your vehicle for the summer conditions. Tires When the weather gets hotter, the air in your tires will expand, so the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure they are not over-inflated. You will also need to check your tires for cracks, low treads and other imperfections that could be dangerous in the long run. The heavy, sudden rains that can often happen in the summer can test your tires, and the worst time you want to discover your tires need to be r ... read more