Posted on 7/9/2018

July is National UV Safety Month, and while glass windows can protect us from just about every element coming in, they unfortunately do very little to help us from ultraviolet rays. They can get into our homes and office buildings pretty easily. Why is this worth thinking about? For several reasons, including… Your health. As you probably know, ultraviolet rays are, to quote, “invisible rays that are part of the energy that comes from the sun, can burn the skin and cause skin cancer.” Now, look, we don’t want to alarm anyone. If you’re going about your business in your house, you’re not going to develop skin cancer simply because you don’t have tinted windows. That said, if you work out of your home, or you work in a commercial office building, and your desk is next to a window, and you’re next to a window, and you hav ... read more
Posted on 8/15/2016

Keep Your Home Cool with Window Film. If you’re anything like us, the intense heat of the long summer is starting to wear you down. You might want to crank the air conditioning as high as it can go, but that would hit your wallet and the environment hard. Luckily, SmartView Window Solutions has the solution to this conflict – with window film, you can finally have the cool home or office you want, without the high energy bills that send your monthly budget out the window! Experts recommend that window film be applied to exterior windows to save money on energy. According to the United States Department of Energy, window film can reduce energy use by as much as 30 to 50 percent. Window film is much cheaper than replacing your windows or window frames, and it can make an incredible difference in the amount of energy you use cooling and heating your hom ... read more