Posted on 10/31/2019

Alta Mere Franchisee of the Year: Randy Durham Many people know the meaning of the phrase “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” When something is broke, however, it is important to recognize when a change needs to be made and the best way to go about it. Randy Durham knows how to make these necessary decisions to improve his store’s bottom line. That is part of the reason he was named Alta Mere’s Franchisee of the Year for the third straight year and fourth time overall. “I’m very proud to have won this award, especially three years in a row,” said Durham. “I’m very humbled. There are some very good Alta Mere shops and franchise owners out there. I really appreciate my peers who voted for me, and I’m very honored to have won this award.” A little backstory. Durham has owned an Alta Mere store in Plano ... read more
Posted on 11/6/2018

People can learn a lot from Randy Durham. After all, winning the annual Franchisee of the Year award, which is voted on by fellow franchise owners throughout the system, which he did last year, is a sign that your business is on a good path. But securing it two years in a row? Randy is clearly doing something right. So, what’s the secret to all his success? We recently caught up with Randy came away with a few takeaways that other franchisees may want to emulate. First, there are no secrets. Randy that he talks on the phone to a lot of fellow Alta Mere franchisees and often shares tips about his business – mostly on topics like handling the window tinting of certain high-end cars. He learns a lot from other owners, and other owners likely learn from him. It’s never a bad idea to get to know your fellow franchisees and ... read more
Posted on 9/13/2017

Moran Family of Brands announced its annual Franchisees of the Year, an award voted on by fellow franchise owners throughout the system. These franchisees have set the bar high for their peers through their consistent effort and unyielding commitment to excellence. So, what’s their secret? We caught up with Alta Mere Franchisee of the Year Randy Durham of Plano, TX to find out what sets his business apart. Randy was an engineer in his prior career, and he always enjoyed working on cars. His desire to own a business is what spurred him to look at franchising to begin with, and when he was introduced to Alta Mere, he found a business that fit both his preferences and his community’s needs. Randy was impressed by the model of a store that sold automotive accessories that could outfit a car from top to tires, and he was impressed by the product offerings. He felt it was a great business opportun ... read more