Posted on 1/12/2018

Winter mornings can be cold, dark and dreary affairs. While no one cherishes the idea of rolling out of bed and climbing into a freezing cold car, there are steps you can take to making your morning commute a little bit nicer. Installing a remote starter for your car can benefit your comfort, your car health and even your safety. Keep Warm The most noticeable benefit of using a remote car starter is the feeling of a nice, toasty car interior on those bitter-cold mornings. A remote starter can warm up your car for you while you get ready in the morning; that way by the time you make your way outside, you only have to briefly brave the icy winter air before enjoying the comfort of your lovely, warm car. Improve Long-Term Engine Performance A remote starter isn’t just beneficial for your personal comfort, it can actually be good for your car’s health, too. By startin ... read more
Posted on 1/3/2018

With the new year, many business owners begin comparing year-to-year sales figures, and some independent auto repair shops don’t necessarily like what they’re seeing. Are your sales stagnant? Or worse yet, did your sales drop? Maybe you’re having trouble keeping reliable help. If you already own an auto shop and performance hasn’t been meeting your expectations, we urge you to consider the Moran Family of Brands. The Moran Family of Brands is more than just an auto repair franchise; it’s a one-stop shop that can provide you with opportunities to expand and grow your business while offering trusted “one-stop” service for your community’s car care needs. In fact, we are one of the leading franchisors in the automotive aftermarket industry. So, if sales have been stagnant or if you’re looking for a way to expand your business, c ... read more