Posted on 10/3/2019

October is Fall Car Care Month As the calendar turns to October and the start of fall is upon us, now is a good reminder that October is Fall Car Care Month. October is a good time to assess the condition of your car and determine if it needs maintenance. It has been through a long summer with continued exposure to the hot weather, and maybe a long trip or two mixed in. Now is the time to take your car in for any work that may need to be done before the winter weather arrives. It feels a long way off right now, but the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting that two-thirds of the country will encounter a colder-than-normal season. So with that in mind, October’s a good time to get your car inspected at Milex Complete Auto Care or ... read more
Posted on 9/27/2019

Five Ways You Could Accidentally, Inadvertently Damage Your Car Routine maintenance or some standard problems with your car will lead you to bring in your vehicle at your local Milex Complete Auto Care or Mr. Transmission shop. However, there will sometimes be some unexpected circumstances that require service that can be preventable. With our busy daily lives, we don’t always think about simple things we may be doing that can hurt the performance of our car. Here are a few things to keep in mind and prevent an unnecessary trip into the shop for service. Driving near empty. Many people will wait to fill up on gas to when the needle hovers around “E,”. Maybe that is the sign that it is time for a refill. Other times you may be too busy to stop, or the price at a certain station may be a few cents high. Aside from taking ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2018

Winter mornings can be cold, dark and dreary affairs. While no one cherishes the idea of rolling out of bed and climbing into a freezing cold car, there are steps you can take to making your morning commute a little bit nicer. Installing a remote starter for your car can benefit your comfort, your car health and even your safety. Keep Warm The most noticeable benefit of using a remote car starter is the feeling of a nice, toasty car interior on those bitter-cold mornings. A remote starter can warm up your car for you while you get ready in the morning; that way by the time you make your way outside, you only have to briefly brave the icy winter air before enjoying the comfort of your lovely, warm car. Improve Long-Term Engine Performance A remote starter isn’t just beneficial for your personal comfort, it can actually be good for your car’s health, too. By startin ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2017

August is known for being the hottest month of the year. They’re not called the “dog days” of summer for nothing! But surviving the rest of the summer can be easy if you’re equipped with the right automotive accessories to help you out. You won’t want to be caught without these accessories from your local Alta Mere Automotive Outfitters as we finish out the season! Remote Starter When you’re getting ready to leave the comfort of the air-conditioned indoors, it can be a dreadful thought to consider the heat and humidity awaiting you in your vehicle. Even with the windows cracked, the temperature inside your car can rise by more than 150° in very little time. By using a remote starter, you can avoid much of the unpleasantness of entering a hot c ... read more
Posted on 6/7/2016

Father’s Day is coming up! For fathers—and father figures—the world over, the day is a way to celebrate the bond they have with their families and to reflect on all the memories they’ve made. If thinking about what your dad means to you brings a warm smile to your face, then why not return the favor this year by getting him a gift worthy of being such a great dad? This year, we at Alta Mere challenge you to go the extra mile for your dad, and get him a gift he’ll fall in love with. Here are some gift ideas of things dad might appreciate more than a necktie! 1. Paint protection film. Your dad put a lot of money into his car, so something that preserves its cosmetic appeal might be just what he wants! A paint protection film clings to the car, and it takes all of the damage his paint job would suffer if it were unprotected. Nothing hurts worse than the first scratch on a ne ... read more
Posted on 12/23/2015

We’ve seen a rise in the overall automotive aftermarket industry in recent years. But an interesting trend within the automotive accessories market is the rise of customers purchasing 12-volt products for their vehicles. Concerned parents, especially, are leading the charge in purchasing products, such as backup safety cameras and remote starters. Backup safety cameras and other safety products for vehicles have seen a steady rise in recent years. As costs for these accessories have fallen, customers are finding their benefits even more attractive. These cameras help drivers reduce their blind spots while backing up by an average of 90 percent. This, in turn, helps customers avoid collisions in parking lots, driveways and on the road every day. For working parents especially, the ability to have an extra set of eyes for safe ... read more