August is known for being the hottest month of the year. They’re not called the “dog days” of summer for nothing! But surviving the rest of the summer can be easy if you’re equipped with the right automotive accessories to help you out. You won’t want to be caught without these accessories from your local Alta Mere Automotive Outfitters as we finish out the season!
Remote Starter
When you’re getting ready to leave the comfort of the air-conditioned indoors, it can be a dreadful thought to consider the heat and humidity awaiting you in your vehicle. Even with the windows cracked, the temperature inside your car can rise by more than 150° in very little time. By using a remote starter, you can avoid much of the unpleasantness of entering a hot car by allowing the air conditioner time to cool your car’s interior.
Window Tinting
To keep your car at a manageable temperature and protect your vehicle’s upholstery from the sun, nothing beats window film. It’s more permanent and vastly more effective than using reflective windshield screens or window mesh, and it can protect your car’s insides from all angles. Window tinting can also keep you and your passengers from getting sunburned by blocking much of the UV rays that would otherwise enter through the windows and damage your skin.
Portable Jump Starter
Getting stuck with a dead battery is awful enough, but in extreme weather, it can be a disaster. Extreme heat or cold can quickly lead to injuries, and it can take a while for people to help you out. To make sure you don’t get stuck in a situation like this, bring along a portable jump starter. The heat can do a number on your battery, so it’s important to be prepared!
Paint Protection
Paint protection and car bras can be life-savers for your car’s exterior. The summer heat and direct sunlight can weaken your paint temporarily, making it much easier to scratch or damage. This is why experts will always tell you not to wash your car under direct sunlight. Dust and debris, like pollen or grass clippings, can also gradually wear away at your vehicle’s paint job. Paint protection and protective accessories can mean the difference between getting that first scratch and preserving your car’s beautiful paint job.
Depending on your location, the hot weather may extend several more months into the fall. We have almost made it to the end of the “dog days,” but for many, cooler temperatures may still be months away. Pick up a couple of these accessories at your local Alta Mere to make the heat a bit more bearable!