Posted on 10/3/2019

October is Fall Car Care Month As the calendar turns to October and the start of fall is upon us, now is a good reminder that October is Fall Car Care Month. October is a good time to assess the condition of your car and determine if it needs maintenance. It has been through a long summer with continued exposure to the hot weather, and maybe a long trip or two mixed in. Now is the time to take your car in for any work that may need to be done before the winter weather arrives. It feels a long way off right now, but the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting that two-thirds of the country will encounter a colder-than-normal season. So with that in mind, October’s a good time to get your car inspected at Milex Complete Auto Care or ... read more
Posted on 9/27/2019

Five Ways You Could Accidentally, Inadvertently Damage Your Car Routine maintenance or some standard problems with your car will lead you to bring in your vehicle at your local Milex Complete Auto Care or Mr. Transmission shop. However, there will sometimes be some unexpected circumstances that require service that can be preventable. With our busy daily lives, we don’t always think about simple things we may be doing that can hurt the performance of our car. Here are a few things to keep in mind and prevent an unnecessary trip into the shop for service. Driving near empty. Many people will wait to fill up on gas to when the needle hovers around “E,”. Maybe that is the sign that it is time for a refill. Other times you may be too busy to stop, or the price at a certain station may be a few cents high. Aside from taking ... read more
Posted on 9/19/2019

Be Prepared: 9 Must-Haves in Your Car In Case There’s an Emergency Nobody likes to think about it, but things can go wrong when you’re driving. Sometimes very wrong. One reason we often tell people to bring their vehicles in for regular maintenance is that things are less likely to go wrong if you take care of your car. You’re far less likely to have a flat tire or to see your car engine suddenly go up in smoke if you’re bringing in your car to Mr. Transmission Milex Complete Auto Care for regular oil changes. After all, it’s called Milex Complete Auto Care for a reason. Fluids are topped off, and if there’s a filter that needs changed, or the tires are looking anemic, we’ll let you know. You also should stop by Alta Mere, the Automotive Outfitters, which have a lot of ... read more
Posted on 10/6/2016

Alta Mere offers a few tips to keep everyone safe on Halloween. Halloween is the epitome of a holiday made for kids. Dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating and gathering candy – these are the things kids look forward to all year. But with all those children running around in the dark, Halloween can get dangerous. In some neighborhoods, parents drive their kids from house to house and there are other cars that are on the roads in residential areas. To keep others safe, this is a great time to look into some products that will help you focus on the road and pedestrians around you. Here are some features you can find at your local Alta Mere that will keep you and the neighborhood kids safe and happy! Headlight restoration | If you have trouble seeing what’s in front of your car at night, you should consid ... read more