Posted on 10/31/2019

Alta Mere Franchisee of the Year: Randy Durham Many people know the meaning of the phrase “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” When something is broke, however, it is important to recognize when a change needs to be made and the best way to go about it. Randy Durham knows how to make these necessary decisions to improve his store’s bottom line. That is part of the reason he was named Alta Mere’s Franchisee of the Year for the third straight year and fourth time overall. “I’m very proud to have won this award, especially three years in a row,” said Durham. “I’m very humbled. There are some very good Alta Mere shops and franchise owners out there. I really appreciate my peers who voted for me, and I’m very honored to have won this award.” A little backstory. Durham has owned an Alta Mere store in Plano ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2019

October is Fall Car Care Month As the calendar turns to October and the start of fall is upon us, now is a good reminder that October is Fall Car Care Month. October is a good time to assess the condition of your car and determine if it needs maintenance. It has been through a long summer with continued exposure to the hot weather, and maybe a long trip or two mixed in. Now is the time to take your car in for any work that may need to be done before the winter weather arrives. It feels a long way off right now, but the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting that two-thirds of the country will encounter a colder-than-normal season. So with that in mind, October’s a good time to get your car inspected at Milex Complete Auto Care or ... read more