Posted on 11/25/2015

Currently, consumers are holding on to their cars for longer periods of time. That means the automotive aftermarket industry is soaring. One area that continues to grow? Paint protection film for vehicles. That might seem counter intuitive; after all, we just mentioned that consumers are keeping their cars for longer, an average of 11.4 years. But in reality, the growing market for paint protection film is a direct effect of this consumer trend with their automobiles. Since people are holding on to their cars for longer, they’re eager to make sure those vehicles can last. That trend includes performance and appearance. Also take into account that the strengthening economy has placed more expendable income in the hands of consumers. Many of those consumers are choosing to use that money on upgrading their vehicles, and individuals who purchase that new car expect it to las ... read more
Posted on 8/20/2015

A new car depreciates by as much as 11 percent once it leaves the dealership lot, according to, a car buying website. Unfortunately, that percentage will only grow as the years go by. But what can you do as a car owner to combat the value of your vehicle dropping any further? You can try to keep it running well and looking just as good as the day you bought it. But that’s not always easy. In fact, some solutions can be time consuming, like waxing the car regularly. Luckily, Alta Mere Automotive Outfitters are experts at installing vehicle paint protection that can shield your beloved ride from gravel, scratches and snow salt while also adding to its resale value. “Seals are more cost-effective than car wax since many come with a warranty.” Layer of protection The days of spending weekends applying coat after coat of carnauba wax to a car are ove ... read more
Posted on 3/27/2015

We’re in the middle of winter, and so snow storms are a common sight. Sometimes, it’s just flurries slowly drifting onto the roads. Other times, it’s a whiteout that covers the roads in snow and makes it impossible to drive any faster that 5 mph In some cases, you may even get stuck on the roads if you drive out there. You want to do as much as possible to avoid getting caught off guard, and prevent yourself from getting hypothermia or frostbite among other conditions. The professionals at Mr. Transmission would like to offer some advice if you have to drive out on the roads during a blizzard. However, the first piece of advice they would like to share is this: Do not drive out there unless it’s absolutely necessary. What to do before In the event that your travels will cause you to be in the midst of a snowstorm, planning ahead is essential. If you can, plan your work day a ... read more
Posted on 3/27/2015

When choosing a vehicle, it can sometimes be difficult to understand why one car is different from any other, even after you test drive and purchase them. There are a lot of small features that go into a car that you may miss. These little details often only become apparent when something goes wrong with your vehicle. That’s when you find out about a part or something that needs to be replaced, costing you a lot of money. Understanding at least some of the differences between the various types of cars is important when thinking about your future and whether you’ll need auto repair. This is especially the case with newer hybrid vehicles, which have unique functions designed to save you fuel and thus money. Knowing what makes hybrids special can save you a lot in the long run. The experts at Mr. Transmission would like to offer you some important points on what makes these relatively new cars stand out, so that repairs are more affordable. A little more sophistication ... read more
Posted on 3/30/1016

The Latest Trends in Car Accessories Your car is becoming a bigger part of your everyday life. After all, your daily commute takes up a large part of your day. It only makes sense that you want your car to have the latest accessories to maximize your satisfaction with your vehicle. These are the two biggest trends affecting car accessories right now. Trend 1: Safety The other big trend affecting car accessories right now is security. It’s on the top of everyone’s mind right now. At Alta Mere, we offer must-have accessories that will make your car safer and more reliable for you and your family. Text block devices Blind spot indicators Collision avoidance DVR dash cameras Backup cameras Headlight restoration These security accessories and services will give you the peace of mind you need in 2016. Tren ... read more